The Company has a policy to pay dividend at the rate of not less than 50% of the
net profit after tax and reservation required by law. However, the Board of Directors of the
Company has the authority to consider the exception of compliance to this policy or change
the policy from time to time but subject to the conditions that in all aspect it shall be proceeded
for the best benefit of the shareholders for example to maintain the reserved fund to repay the
loan, to invest in expansion of Company's business or to use as working capital in case of there
is any change in the market situation which effecting the company's cash flow in the future.
Dividend Policy of the subsidiary
Dividend Policy of the subsidiary shall be considered by the Board of Directors of
the subsidiary by taking into the remaining cash flows to compare with the investment of
the subsidiary without having to pay any fixed rates of dividend. In case the cash flows has
sufficient amount after satisfaction to the conservation law, the Board of Directors of such
subsidiary has the right to consider for payment of dividend in each case.